Monday, June 04, 2007

Something Less Than Shadows

A series of events over the past couple of months have led me to realize... I've completely forgotten huge bulks of my existence, immense pieces of my life are lost. And I don't mean they have become hazy, I mean enormous chunks of my memory are missing. Literally gone. For example... the entire second semester of my junior year of high school. I do not remember it. Events have been brought up I do not remember, letters recounting times, moments I have shared with people, that are no longer in my memory.

And with the memories, I have lost all recollection of who I was. I have forgotten all the people I used to be. And as I fall away from myself, I become disjointed. All of the memories I still may have become disconnected, meaningless, no longer a part of me or a reflection of who I once was. Something less than shadows.

I feel empty.

And fewer memories are being made. Honest connections with the people around me, shared emotion and worthwhile moments are less frequent.

Am I going crazy? What's happening?


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